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Life Development Resources
Resources for developing skill in all areas of life, for all ages.

Seek the Welfare of the City
Seek the Welfare of the City is a series that addresses some issues from a very different perspective than what a majority of contemporary Christianity believes. Since the Early Church, the West has dominated Christianity. Therefore most of the Christian world thinks the same about the fundamental issues that are the focus of this series.
This series explores, biblically, matters of citizenship and public life; the ideas of good occupations leveraged into collective benefactor communities; welfare and social responsibility as related to the church; and impacting cultures via missionary teams, global benefactors, and churches.

The Life Development Series
The Life Development Series consists of three books that will help you design a personalized Life Development Plan shaped by your unique life situation, gifts, and abilities.
Lifen: Life Stewardship in CommunityBook one pulls from ancient wisdom traditions and contemporary life development research to focus on four main spheres that are essential to attaining lifen—life that is fully enjoyed and full of meaning and purpose. Through six strategic steps, you will construct strategies for your own development, your family’s development, and your lifework.
Identifying Who You Are Designed to Be
Book two is a discovery process of identifying your own unique design and abilities. By recalling and analyzing achievements through your life, your motivated abilities, subject matter, relationships and circumstances will be become clear, as well as the goals you are driven to achieve.
Becoming Who You Are Designed to Be
Book three is a 10-step disciplined program designed to give you a working knowledge of the effect of your unique design on your own emotions, your relationships, and your job fit—both strengths and weaknesses.